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Finally, a volunteer opportunity for the entire family! Everyone can participate, from the tiniest babe to the most wizened and experienced in life. You don’t need to be able to run marathons, perform on stage or paint a masterpiece. You just need to be you. Being yourself can be impactful with a simple act of spending your time with someone that spends the vast majority of their days, weeks, even months alone. You can bring joy, companionship and comfort into their lives.


Interactions between children and the elderly are very special. Children have this amazing ability to make even the saddest person laugh. This sweet laughter has many positive effects on depression, insomnia, and sleep quality among the elderly.


The elderly are not the only persons benefiting from this relationship. They bring a richness and depth to the hearts of young children. There is so much to be said for learning to value and appreciate the thoughtful wisdom of a senior citizen. And through these times with adopted grandparents, children can discover for themselves how important and rewarding it is to think of others first, leaving behind a self-centered life that is so prevalent in the world around us. Please join us and begin sharing your love and laughter with someone who desperately needs it today.. 


Sharing our life and love with an elderly person, while teaching our children to be servants who see a need and respond with a heart of compassion.

There are numerous ways to get involved with our programs.  The options are wide and various, from adopting a grandparent to graphic design. Fill out a volunteer form and we will help get you started.

Your financial contribution will help keep this valuable program running, providing much needed love and support for many elderly residents.

The Gift of a Grandparent


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