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About Us

Welcome to The Gift of a Grandparent!  We provide seniors an opportunity to form a relationship with a caring young family, we believe the quality of life can be greatly improved for both the grandparent and "adopting" family.


With a minimal commitment of just two visits per month, our goal is to create a unique social experience beneficial to the elderly, children, and adults involved. Young kids especially, will learn the value of generosity, respect, and charity while enriching the lives of their adopted grandparents with each and every visit or phone call.


The power of social interaction, laughter, conversation, and affection can work miracles in regards to longevity for our grandparents. Our team of caring volunteers works tirelessly to ensure that the elderly residents have a delightful time. We provide activities ranging from reading, singing, and even manicures in an effort to cultivate genuine bonding experiences among the families.

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