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Get Involved


If you are looking for an avenue to involve your kids in service to others, consider adopting a grandparent from one of our assisted living homes. 

We ask that a family commit to a minimum of two visits per month with their adopted grandparent. More frequent visits are hoped for and encouraged.


Want to volunteer, but aren't sure where or how? We have plenty of options for you! Pick anything from painting fingernails to graphic design or writing material.


Do you want to adopt a grandparent, but we are not in your local area? Do you desire to see love bridge the gap between young and old? Are the elderly and children close to your heart? If so, please consider being a program director for The Gift of a Grandparent.  We will provide you with all the necessary materials for this program and will guide you through the implementation process for getting started in your local area.



Donations are a vital part of our organization.  Without your support we would not have the resource to offer this program to so many who need it.


When you sponsor a grandparent, you pay for their weekly activity, birthday gift, and Christmas gift. This can bring much joy to an elderly person who is feeling alone. A donation of $97.00 will sponsor one grandparent for one year.


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