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Christmas Stocking Drive

Join us for our second annual Christmas Stocking Drive for the elderly.

Our Mission: Sharing our life and love with an elderly person, while teaching our children to be servants who see a need and respond with a heart of compassion.

Christmas Stocking Drive:

If you are looking for an avenue to involve your children in service to others, please consider "adopting a grandparent" from one of our assisted living homes for Christmas.

Your family will be given paperwork with your adopted grandparent's likes and interests. This will help guide you as you select goodies to fill their stocking, and ultimately their day, with delight.

Once you have your paperwork, your family may begin picking out a stocking and filling it with treasures that will certainly brighten an elderly person's Christmas.

Please deliver your stocking to the assisted living home between the hours of 9am-4pm on either Saturday 12/16, Sunday 12/17, or Tuesday 12/19 , or deliver in person to your resident when we carol for them on 12/10 at 2:45pm. The staff at the home will pass them out Christmas morning; however, if your family wishes to be part of passing out stockings, please let me know.

To participate in this event please check "attending" and email me at In the subject line please write "Christmas Stocking Drive" and your last name. Please allow 48 hours for your grandparent's "wish list" to be emailed to you.

Feel free to contact me with any questions!

Merry Christmas


Click HERE to see the event on Facebook.

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