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Seventh Annual Christmas Caroling Party

Please join us for our Seventh Annual Christmas Caroling Event & Party.

I love to carol, but there is more to caroling than singing your heart out. I believe it is a great way to teach our children compassion & love for others. Residents of nursing and assisted living homes can lead a lonely existence. This is a great way to start our children thinking of others and is perfect for even the very young to actively participate by making cards, personally handing them out and singing Christmas Carols. Their contribution has an impact! There is nothing better than watching a wrinkled face light up with happiness at seeing the children & parents singing. (This is an event for the entire family, dads too!) After caroling we will a hot chocolate bar at the assisted living home. If you wish you may bring Christmas cookies to share with the other carolers.

We will need 50 cards. If your family would like to handmake cards for the residents please just let me know how many you will be making when you RSVP.

To RSVP email me at and I will add you to the Evite. Once you receive your invitation you will have the location address and will need to mark how many in your family will be joining us.

Please feel free to email with questions. Merry Christmas! Autumn Cullen

***This year we have to cap our carolers to 35 so please RSVP right a way if you wish to join us. Also, if you have to cancel please update your RSVP as soon as possible in case another family would like to attend.

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