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JOY for the Soul Challenge

This past month has been an extra tough one for my family with grieving hard recent deaths, with memorials, and watching my daughter turn another year older while lagging further behind on milestones.  With all this sadness permeating the air now is the time to CREATE JOY, especially since it seems to be so elusive this Christmas season.  Sooo.....

JOY for the Soul Challenge here we go.

Do you live far from family?  Do you enjoy serving others?  Do you end up feeling alone at Christmas?  Do you want to teach your children that Christmas is about giving?

Here are a few ways to not only make this season special for yourself and your family, but also for a senior citizen.

Organize an event for your local nursing or assisted living home.

Event JOY for the Soul Challenge

1) A Christmas Caroling Party

2) A Christmas Stocking Drive

3) A Hot Chocolate Bar

Family JOY for the Soul Challenge

Discuss as a family how you can serve the elderly that are confined.  Here are a few ideas to tickle your brain. 1)Go read the Christmas story of our Savior's birth and T'was the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve to a group or go room by room.  Have your children memorized either?  Have them recite or reenact them.

2)Are you musical?  Play your guitar or sing a few songs with the elderly.  Most homes have a piano you can play too.

3)Do you or your children like to craft?  Make homemade Christmas cards and pass them out.

4)Bring fun toppings for a Hot Chocolate Bar and have your children make to order Hot Chocolate for the "grandparents."  Most assisted living homes will provide the Hot Chocolate.

5)Just be present.  Go room to room and visit.

6)Pass out warm fuzzy socks.

Don't be nervous.  Just go sit and listen to their stories.  Ask questions about their favorite Christmas and Christmas traditions?  If you find a wise gem ask their advice.  

If you are anything like me you may struggle with getting out of the house and making it happen, but once you are there you won't want to leave.  This past Sunday my boys and I went with some friends to serve the grandparents Hot Chocolate.  I explained ahead of time why we were there and what I would like to see from them.  "We are here to serve others and to brighten their day.  Our elders come first!  Go up to each grandparent and wish them a Merry Christmas.  Ask if they would like hot chocolate.  Then give them some options, would you like marshmallows or whipping cream, sprinkles or caramel drizzle?"

I had to give my boys a bit of a push to go, but by the time the event was over they were begging to stay longer and asking to come back tomorrow.  It was AMAZING.  The grandparents laughed and gave knowing winks as we taught our children to serve them.  It was a pretty special moment all around.

To be honest I was amazed at how the mood lifted so quickly.  What had been a busy day with too many things to get done, changed to one of complete joy and total peace, felt by all.   I hope your family will love on an elderly person this Christmas season by taking the JOY for the Soul Challenge.  

Merry Christmas,


Please let me know if you would like help connecting with your local nursing or assisted living home by filling out our Volunteer Form HERE.

Have additional ideas to share with us? Email us at

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